Specialist in lawn Transformation

A family run business based in Maylandsea

Shade Tolerant Turf

Here at Bill’s Turf, we supply and install various different grades of turf. A very popular choice of our customers is our shade tolerant turf. This is due to its versatility and ability to adapt to different environments. Unlike other turfs, share tolerant turf copes extremely well in poor light conditions. Here at Bill’s Turf, we have years of experience in turfing and can help you find the best option to fit your needs.

Why Choose Shade Tolerant Turf?

Does your lawn struggle to thrive beneath trees and shadowing? If buildings or trees create shade over your lawn, shade tolerant turf is definitely a suitable option for you. As it says in the name, this particular type of turf is tolerant to shade and it is adaptable to different conditions. For this reason, it is an ideal turf for North facing gardens. As it can adapt to many different environments, shade tolerant turf is an appropriate turf for the varying UK climate and weather conditions. Our shade tolerant turf is a specialist grade of the highest quality. Above all, we pride ourselves on delivering optimum results. We settle for nothing less than the best possible results with our turfing projects, and a premium quality turf is vital to our process. With Bill’s Turf, you can rest assured that our shade tolerant turf is a superior quality and we can guarantee that you will not be disappointed with the results!
Unfortunately, one of the biggest challenges to creating a lush and thriving garden is shade, Most types of turf struggle in shadier areas. The conditions interfere with the healthy growth of the garden. Grass requires light, air, water, and nutrients just like any other plant. Fences, buildings, and trees that shade part of your garden can subsequently percent the grasses from getting their essentials, impacting your garden above and below ground. Also, shade can make soil retain an excessive amount of moisture and compound drainage problems that exist.
Grasses that are being grown in shade stretch to reach the sunlight. As a result, this causes it to grow thin and weak. Roots on shaded grass grow shallow which causes the growth to slow. The grass will grow weaker, its attractive colour will fade and as a result of its poor health, will become more susceptible to other issues including insect pests and lawn disease. Not only this, but poor turf health will cause your lawn to appear dismal and unattractive. It is best to avoid this possibility, by instead using top grade shade tolerant turf for your garden.
Most grasses do their best when they are grown in a direct sunlight. This is not the case for our adaptable shade tolerant turf. So, if shade tolerant turf sounds suitable for you – why not contact us today? Here at Bill’s Turf, we have over a decade of experience in turning and have turfed thousands of gardens over the years. With extensive experience in turfing, our team have developed a truly unique skill set that simply sets us apart from other turfing companies. For this reason, we have developed an excellent reputation within our industry and are trusted by clients across Essex for their garden transformations.

Our Process

Continually, we reinvest into the highest quality equipment that allow us to provide a flawless finish for your garden. Firstly, we use a turf cutter to remove the old lawns and weeds. Then, once the area has been cleared, we begin rotavating the soil. Next, we rake the soil which allows us to remove any large stones or debris. We will then proceed to firm the ground using weight, which will remove any air pockets in the ground. This step is imperative, as it prevents the lawn from sinking. Again, we will rake the area to be laid again and ensure that it is perfectly level. The turf is then laid in a staggered formation. We will clear up the site, and leave you with an information aftercare booklet so that you can keep your lawn looking stunning for many more years. Shade tolerant turf is a very low maintenance turf requiring little care.

Turf Laying Chelmsford


Turf Basildon
Turf Basildon

Benefits of Shade Tolerant Turf

One of the many reasons that Shade Tolerant Turf is so popular is because it has a great appearance and adds a vibrant touch to your garden. Not only is it superb looking, but it is also extremely easy to maintain which is why it is the first choice for many of our clients. It is a hard wearing, weed free general purpose turf that is adaptable to many environments. It comes as no surprise that shade tolerant turf is an increasingly popular option for our clients. What more could you want than an attractive, durable turf that is low maintenance? So, to summarise, the main benefits of shade tolerant turf is:
  • It is extremely low maintenance
  • It is a durable and long lasting turf
  • Shade tolerant turf can adapt to different weathers
  • And of course, it is tolerant to shade and requires less sunlight to be at its best!
Get In Touch
So, if shade tolerant turf sounds like an ideal turf for your lawn, contact our friendly team today! We work with you to find the best turf to fit your requirements. Get in touch today with your turfing needs. If you have any questions at all or if you would like more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We will be more than happy to assist you and answer any enquiries. 

Contact us today for a free no obligation quote

Tel: 01621740082 Or Mob: 07807099591